GWS Statement in Support of Muslim Students, Faculty, Staff and Community Members


As scholars and teachers of intersectional feminist, queer, and transgender studies, GWS faculty are committed to confronting, understanding, and undoing the longstanding histories of racism, conscious and unconscious, that have structured institutions, culture, and everyday life for centuries in the United States. In light of recent public expressions of Islamophobia made on Twitter by an employee of the university, the Department of Gender and Women's Studies at the University of Illinois supports and stands in solidarity with the University of Illinois Muslim Student Association (UIUC MSA) and the statement they have issued condemning both the employee’s tweets and the University’s failure to take any meaningful action to ensure the safety of and respect for Muslim students, staff, faculty, and community members. As a department, we redouble our efforts to challenge the many and various forms of violence and racism faced by Muslims on our campus and in our community and nation. Further, we call on the campus to join us in our active commitment to challenge racism and Islamophobia in all of its forms; to create more just ways of distributing and inhabiting power; and to heal our communities and reimagine justice.